ISSN 1009-0029  CN 12-1311/TU

消防科学与技术 ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (10): 1462-1465.

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庄 蕊1,王 璞1,何 清2,唐 飞3   

  1. 1.上海市浦东新区消防救援支队,上海200135; 2.安徽工业大学 能源与环境学院,安徽 马鞍山243002;3.中国科学技术大学 火灾科学国家重点实验室,安徽 合肥230026
  • 出版日期:2021-10-15 发布日期:2021-10-15
  • 作者简介:庄 蕊(1983-),女,山东沂水人,上海市浦东新区川沙消防救援大队中级专业技术职务,硕士,主要从事消防理论研究、消防监督管理工作,上海市浦东新区新德路850号,200135。

Study on ejected flame extension characteristics of facade fires under ambient wind

ZHUANG Rui1, WANG Pu1, HE Qing2, TANG Fei3   

  1. 1. Shanghai Pudong New District Fire and Rescue Division, Shanghai 200135, China; 2. School of Energy and Environment, Anhui University of Technology, Anhui Maanshan 243002, China; 3. State Key Laboratory of Fire Science, University of Science and Technology of China, Anhui Hefei 230026, China)
  • Online:2021-10-15 Published:2021-10-15

摘要: 建筑开口火溢流特征参数研究是火灾科学领域的基础研究内容之一,尤其是正交侧吹横向风影响下的开口火溢流特征更是影响到相邻建筑的火灾危险性。基于弗洛德相似准则,利用缩尺寸建筑燃烧腔室模型开展建筑溢流火灾实验,在正交侧吹横向风作用下,对不同火源功率和不同开口尺寸的建筑腔室溢流火焰扩展规律进行探究。重点分析风速对火焰形态的影响,建立环境风作用下建筑腔室开口溢流火焰长度的分段预测模型,为建筑外立面防火设计提供参考。

关键词: 建筑火灾, 环境风, 火溢流, 火焰长度

Abstract: Building facade ejected fire behavior characteristics is one of the important research orientations in fire research, particularly the ejected flame of facade fire is related to the fire hazard of adjacent buildings under the effect of cross wind. Based on Froude similarity theory, through the fire experiments by employing a reduced-scale fire compartment, this paper studied the ejected flame expansion characteristic under different cross wind speeds, heat release rates and opening size. The influence of wind speed on flame shape is analyzed, and a new subsection prediction model for the ejected flame length with different compartment openings and HRRs is proposed, providing references for fire protection design of building facade.

Key words: building fire, ambient wind, ejected fire, ejected flame length