ISSN 1009-0029  CN 12-1311/TU

消防科学与技术 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (2): 156-160.

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陈善求1,赵雯筠2,颜 龙2,欧阳罕贞1   

  1. (1.金杯电工股份有限公司,湖南 长沙410205;2. 中南大学 防灾科学与安全技术研究所,湖南 长沙410075)
  • 出版日期:2022-02-15 发布日期:2022-02-15
  • 作者简介:陈善求(1969-),男,金杯电工股份有限公司高级工程师,主要从事高性能电缆材料研发工作,湖南省长沙市高新技术产业开发区东方红路580号,410205。
  • 基金资助:

Study on fire risk of ultra-high temperature fire-resistant cable based on cone calorimeter test

CHEN Shan-qiu1, ZHAO Wei-yun2,YAN Long2, OU YANG Han-zhen1   

  1. (1. Gold cup Electric Apparatus Co., Ltd., Hunan Changsha 410205, China; 2. Institute of Disaster Prevention Science and Safety Technology, Central South University, Hunan Changsha 410075, China)
  • Online:2022-02-15 Published:2022-02-15

摘要: 利用锥形量热仪对超高温耐火电缆在不同辐射功率下的点燃时间(TTI)、热释放速率(HRR)、质量损失速率(MLR)和燃烧残余物进行了研究。研究表明,随着辐射功率增加,耐火电缆的TTI逐渐缩短,HRR和MLR逐渐增大,火灾危险性逐渐增加。超高温耐火电缆在35 kW/m2和50 kW/m2辐射功率下火灾性能指数相比于25 kW/m2分别增加了44.4%和176.5%,火灾增长指数分别增加了30.4%和83.0%。结合理论分析可以得出,耐火电缆的临界辐射功率为3.61 kW/m2、零辐射平均热释放速率为36.5 kW/m2,表现出较低的火灾危险性。

关键词: 超高温耐火电缆, 锥形量热仪, 热释放速率, 点燃时间, 火灾危险性

Abstract: The ignition time, heat release rate, mass loss rate and combustion residue of ultra-high temperature fire-resistant cable under different external heat flux were analyzed via the cone calorimeter test. The results show that with the increase of external heat flux, the ignition time of cables is gradually shortened, the heat release rate and mass loss rate are gradually increased, so does the fire risk. The fire performance indexes of fire-resistant cables at the external heat flux of 35 and 50 kW/m2 increased by 44.4% and 176.5%, respectively, and the fire growth indexes increased by 30.4% and 83.0%, respectively, compared to those of 25 kW/m2. Combined with theoretical analysis, it can be concluded that the fire-resistant cable has the critical heat flux of 3.61 kW/m2 and average limiting heat release rate of 36.5 kW/m2, showing a low fire risk.

Key words: ultra-high temperature fire-resistant cable, cone calorimeter, heat release rate, time to ignition, fire risk